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Hi there, I'm Sk Nahvein, a proud student of Taylor's University Lakeside Campus. I started my journey in Taylor's not too long ago, March 2018.


Let's recap.

I started my primary life in SK Taman Kepong and to be honest, i was not a person who could just sit and stare at a book for hours. I was always the kid who loved running, so i joined the athletic team when i was 7. Life was great, especially when you had a reason to skip class. It went on the way i wanted it to be for years until i was 11, i begin to push myself on my academic side and it was not so bad after all. I scored straight A's in my final exam and i felt proud of my hard work.


"Highschool is the best time of your life", these were the wise words said by everyone and yes, it was the best time of my life. I joined the school concert band in 2013 and played my role as a saxophonist until my last year in school. I graduated in 2017 and today i proudly say, i love to oil paint and i play my saxophone with every inch of my heart dwelling in it.


Joining Taylor's, it is the road to architecture. 



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